Expert Metal Roofing Installation Services

expert metal roofing installation services

Expert Metal Roofing Installation Services

A new installed metal roof will be long-lasting and durable, with the best in manufacturers offering lifetime warranties. Over the years, several myths have developed around how to preform an expert metal roofing installation. Included in these myths is the idea that metal roofing panels are expensive and difficult to install. However, working with a construction or roofing professional is the best way of making sure a roof lasts a long time and offers real curb appeal for your home.

Metal Roofing is Eco-Friendly

The main concern you have about the installation of metal shingles or panels will be the efficiency of the system. When you are considering an expert metal roofing installation service, you can rest easy by using a trusted professional. The use of metal roofing has improved the efficiency of the 750,000 Canadian homes making the switch to metal annually.

The efficiency question has been a tough one for decades, with most metal panels created from recycled materials. By choosing to switch to metal, you will be limiting the number of asphalt materials being placed in landfills. Approximately 20 billion pounds of asphalt shingles are placed in U.S. landfills each year, with the long life and recyclability of metal shake shingles limiting landfill use.

The energy efficiency of metal roofing materials has been called into question for decades. However, the latest studies have shown metal performs well when you want to limit heat transfer in Summer and Winter. The Summer sun is reflected by metal roofing to limit the use of air conditioners during the warmer months. Metal materials will not amaze you with their insulating properties, but they can be placed over insulating materials to form an area of dead air between the roof and roofing deck. The efficiency of metal materials can cut utility costs up to 40-percent in the Summer.

It is very Cost-Effective

When you ask your friends and family about metal roofing panels, you will usually hear horror stories about the expense. The most important thing you should consider is how often will you have to replace your traditional asphalt shingle roof in the lifetime of a metal panel roof. Living in a home for decades requires changing the roof between two and five times, depending on the condition of your roof. In contrast, metal materials have a lifespan of between 40 and 70 years, with the extra upfront costs absorbed over this period of time.

A Light Weight Roofing Material

Compared to the weight of tile at 750 pounds per square or concrete tile at 900 pounds per square, metal roofing is a very lightweight roofing material. Generally, three bundles of shingles are enough to cover 1 square of roof (100 square feet), which can weigh anywhere from 180 to 240 pounds. Most metal roofing shingles run from 50 to 150 pounds per square. Because of the material’s light weight, you can save on engineering and building the supporting structure. In fact, if you’re building a house or a new addition, you can often downsize or reduce the number of roof support members saving you money and installation time.

Weather Resistance

Alongside the ability to lower utility costs, metal panels and steel shingle roofing systems provide an impressive level of weather resistance. The latest roofing systems are made from metal using hidden fastener installation to provide extra security. The ability of a home to withstand the worst weather thrown at it has a lot to do with the roof. When a roof is properly installed at the correct labor cost, a homeowner can feel confident they are safe from harm.

The history of metal shingles and panels has been littered with stories of damage due to hail and strong winds. The use of hidden fastener installation techniques has changed the industry and made metal a solid option at all times. The most up-to-date technologies have made a change to the way metal shake shingles handle severe conditions. Severe weather can bring down trees and branches around a property and lead to dented panels. The strength of recycled materials used to construct roofing panels has improved and allowed the material to withstand large hail and falling limbs.

Wintry weather can be a problem in some parts of the U.S. and lead to leaks when torrential rain and heavy snow arrive. A metal roof installed by a construction professional in your region will be almost impervious to rain and snow. Heavy snow is not a problem for a metal roofing installation because the radiant nature of metal warms quicker than asphalt shingles.

Metal Roofing Can Be Quickly Installed

Perhaps the most important advantage of choosing metal as a roofing material is the installation speed. Installing metal is similar to installing new asphalt shingles, with the first step being to remove the existing roof and make needed repairs. The installation process begins and is completed more quickly than the traditional asphalt shingle roof. Panels are manufactured in traditional panels of between 12 and 36-inches, with shingles now available.

Installing a traditional shingle roof means installing each narrow piece individually, with metal panels screwed into place to cover a large area. Severe weather can tear off a roof in seconds and lead to an uncomfortable night with leaks and winds causing issues for a homeowner. A professional expert can install a new roof, with metal shake shingles, in a short time.

There are several considerations for a homeowner wanting to install a new roof. The decision between metal and asphalt shingles is not a difficult one because of the many advantages of metal. The metal panel industry is growing and will continue to do so as new materials and designs come onto the market.


Free Metal Roofing Estimate


If you are looking for a new roof, Maybe it’s time to consider a roof that will always look great, improve the value and look of your home, and be the last roof you’ll ever buy. Country Towne Metal Roofing wants to show you how great your home can be with a new expert metal roofing installation on your home.

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